What does it mean? It is about an individual becoming responsible in his/her actions that have affect on communities outside his/her immediate circle. The immediate circle being family and friends.

What is ISR? The individual social responsibility includes the engagement of each person toward the community where he lives, which can be expressed as an interest towards what’s happening in the community, as well as in the active participation in die solving of some of the local problems. The individual social responsibility also could be expressed in making donations for significant for the society causes – social, cultural or ecological.

Is ISR practical? It has to be as the trends show that the biggest growth for big charitable organizations in the world is coming through individuals and not through corporations and governments.

What is being ethical? Ethics is a set of beliefs about right and wrong. The beliefs are dependent on personal experience, family background, religious background and education. Integrity to your beliefs is an important element of being ethical.

Is ISR practical, especially the ethical bit? Difficult but possible, making decisions based on what is good for greatest number of people. Promoting individual self-interest as long as it does not harm others. Making decisions with a belief that everyone has a fundamental right that should be respected and protected. Making decisions which treat everyone fairly and consistently.

I know CSR, how is ISR different?

  • ISR is at the roots of CSR, because a corporate comprises of individuals and hence determines the social responsibility culture it follows.
  • As CSR is being increasingly viewed as a tool to push wares a greater need for ISR is expected.
  • The example of kiva.org in giving people the power to empower is a big indicator of the shift.
  • If ISR becomes way of life CSR may be an automatic end result.

ISR is a tool for social change, powerful and practical


“The Inconvenient truth about corporate fundraising” by Sean Triner


Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation (WCIF), Bulgaria, position statement on Social Responsibility.
